Saturday, May 18, 2013

Snapshots: Gasworks park

On my family's last day in Seattle last week, we stopped at Gasworks Park on the north end of Lake Union. This park used to be an actual gas works plant, and when they converted it into a park they kept some of the old features.

Of course, people can't resist putting graffiti on the structures, even though it's fenced off. I'm sure the city of Seattle isn't crazy about these decorations. I think they're charming, though.

And, totally unrelated, here's a photo of my beloved boys and me (and my new bookshelves) on Mother's Day. It's rare that they dress up, so I had to have Chris capture the moment before they shed the nice clothes. Can you tell we're related?


  1. It's such a good idea to preserve something like that - so often the industrial heritage is lost, and these have a beauty of their own with those strong lines. My Snapshot is at

  2. Great idea to capture your family "on film"!

  3. Great pictures! It's always great to capture family moments :-)

    Here is my SATURDAY SNAPSHOT post.

  4. Aw that picture is wonderful! Both of your boys are so handsome :)

  5. Love the snapshots♫ Looks like you had a good Mother's Day♥ My SS:

  6. The photo of you and the boys is my favorite. My boys resist photos. Here's Mine

  7. Happy Mother's Day! Great pic

  8. Oooooh!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture of you and the boys!!!!!!

  9. Such a sweet pic of you and your boys :)
