It quickly becomes apparent from reading book blogs that books are not only a collection of words on paper, but also physical objects that we treasure. With that in mind, here’s a brief glimpse onto my bookshelves!
The Rules
1. Tag 3-5 people, so the fun keeps going!
2. Leave a comment at the original post at A Striped Armchair, so that Eva can collect everyone’s answers.
3. If you leave a comment and link back to Eva as the meme’s creator, she will enter you in a book giveaway contest! She has a whole shelf devoted to giveaway books that you’ll be able to choose from, or a bookmooch point if you prefer.
4. Remember that this is all about enjoying books as physical objects, so feel free to describe the exact book you’re talking about, down to that warping from being dropped in the bath water…
5. Make the meme more fun with visuals! Covers of the specific edition you’re talking about, photos of your bookshelves, etc.
These are some of my Winnie the Pooh books. I'm not sure if these are Chris' from when he was a boy, or my dad's. I have my dad's old Pooh bear, too. I also have my own "new" set (a mere 35 years old or so?) which we use now when we read Pooh. My dad read these books to my mom when she was pregnant with my sister, lots of people read them to me. And there's nothing better than Pooh to cheer a sick or grumpy boy or girl.
I inherited several cookbooks from my parents when they moved to England for two years and needed to put things in storage; this is one of them. I always thought this book was funny because the title sounds like the poor woman married a cookbook. My mom married a rather particular Italian (who wasn't a cookbook) and I have no idea if this book helped matters but she's an amazing cook without it, and so is he.

I couldn't think of one so I asked my kids, and Evan suggested the Maze of Bones, by Rick Riordan. We were at our little local bookstore to cash in the boys' prize coupons from the library Summer Reading Program, when we noticed a sign advertising tickets to see Rick Riordan speak. The tickets included a copy of the book. I bought the tickets and then realized I couldn't attend, but my husband took them. They were a little disappointed in the talk (too short), but enjoyed getting the book signed by Rick, and they were in luck: he came back to town a few weeks later to give a longer talk.

The most recent addition to your shelves:
Well, this is the most recent book I've bought, though several have come from publishers since then but I can't remember the order in which they arrived. The story of how we got this book is pretty interesting, too: Got Books?
A book that’s been with you to the most places:
Rise Up Singing is our folk song book, and we bring it along on almost every camping trip or group outing when Chris is able to fit his guitar in the car. There's usually singing, but even if there isn't the book doesn't take up much space in the car.
I know, I know, it looks like a messy stack of papers, plus a red binder and a green binder. And, it is! But I couldn't take a picture of my heart and post it on the internet, so I did the next best thing--the papers are mostly old drafts that have been through my critique group, come back to me marked up, and been revised on the computer. I actually have a nicely spiral-bound version of the first draft I could have taken a picture of, but it's upstairs where my boys are sleeping and bears little resemblance to the closer-to-finished product anymore. Maybe one day you can all review it and say, "I saw it when..."
Tags: I tag everyone who has ever been a Weekly Geek, participated in a Bookworms Carnival, the Readathon, or any of Dewey's Challenges.
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